Monday, September 10, 2012


My beautiful kids are CHAMPS!
I seriously do not know any other way to describe them. We have had a crazy month in August. I'm not even kidding. I will go in order in which we did things with some photos that go with both. I'm also throwing in the first week of September in there while i'm at it!

We went to visit family in Spokane for about a week

We went camping for a week or so with the Grands (or Grammie and Papa as Oaks calls them).

This was SO MUCH FUN! Oaks had a blast. He loves hanging out with all of the family. Especially his awesome Aunties and Uncles that spoil him to death. B&C are always giving him loves and K thinks he's the cutest thing in the world. 

We slept in a tent and had the most luxurious camping experience (as far as bedding goes) as my kids have ever had. Three inch foam with a foam/air pad as well, makes sleeping easy. Lulu had the pleasure of a pack n play that almost didn't fit in the tent, but all is well when we sleep well.

B&C stayed and played 

My kids are so lucky that their aunts and uncles are amazing people. They love them and I love them. So they stayed a few days after camping with us in our small little apartment. We played and hung out and tasted some amazing caked made by one of my best friends. 

We went again to visit family and for a wedding

Its so crazy, weddings make you realize how old your kids are getting. My children don't get to see my extended family as often as we'd like but it is when it works. My sister got married to a wonderful man this last Saturday. She was a beautiful bride with a wonderful party that followed. And Lulu and Oaks looked amazing. We took some family pictures that I am excited to see and Oaks got to play with his only cousin. He will have another by the end of the year though!!! Needless to say, Oaks really really enjoys hanging out with his cousin. Especially when they can look at frogs and run around all over the place. 

This picture to the left is Oaks' favorite part of the wedding... the cupcakes! They were super yummy too. Oaks had two but didn't eat two. Half of the first ended up in the pond when someone sneaked up on him and half of the second landed on a stair.

Lulu is so crazy cute and already a little adventurous like her brother and quick! She's got stairs down pack and we don't even have stairs at our house. I think this was like attempt number 5 ever and she was half way up before any of us knew what happened.

So after all of this we are hoping for a little bit more of a quiet and calmer September, but then again that's almost half over.

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